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 color  hair


Question by  JP (48)

What is the best way to color hair silver?

I need some suggestions.


Answer by  DStone (817)

If you want to perminantly change your hair, use a high volume bleach and then a silver toner with a neutral base. Using a blonde base will make it look grey. If you're looking for temp. color, use a spray in that washes out, demi color can destroy your natural hair color.


Answer by  bindusvikram (66)

Pre-lighten your hair means a bleach with a very or fairly high volume of peroxide. You're going to want to apply that to the areas where you want to be silver.


Answer by  Dana46 (2345)

There are several silver hair dyes available on the market, but they are sometimes difficult to find. Try going to an oriental market in the area, as silver is a popular color choice, or try a beauty supply store.


Answer by  mightyspidey (1080)

There are actually hair dyes that are made for coloring hair silver. If you already have some natural silver growing in that will help the dye to blend well.


Answer by  ShantelB (104)

The dark your hair color is; the lighter the shade would have to be. Then you would have to lift you hair to a blond shade; next you would apply the rinse or a permanent color of silver to your hair.


Answer by  october (178)

The best way to color hair silver is to bleach it. Find a good brand, you can find them at any beauty supply store. after bleaching the hair I suggest you dye it with a permanent platinum shade.


Answer by  bowz (96)

If you have darker hair, this processes might take some time. The main thing is to get the hair color as light as possible, borderline white. Then die it silver.

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