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Question by  Kermitsgrl (16)

Will Vicodin euthanize a bird?


Answer by  Wayne5056 (7)

It is not entirely likely that Vicodin is an effective way to euthanize a bird. Depending on the type of bird, it can be considered illegal due to the protection rights of certain breeds. It's best to take the bird to a vet to euthanize it instead of doing it yourself.


Answer by  trashcat (241)

It is not entirely likely that Vicodin is an effective way to euthanize a bird. Depending on the type of bird, it can be considered illegal due to the protection rights of certain breeds. It's best to take the bird to a vet to euthanize it instead of doing it yourself.


Answer by  lwat80 (300)

There is no information found that indicates that Vicodin can be used to euthenize a bird. Please make sure you are adhering to your local and federal laws concerning this topic, as it is illegal to kill most wild birds. However, there are some humane methods used in pest control that can be found by doing a simple search.


Answer by  Hewitt302 (1720)

I assume anything that's NOT meant for birds, especially prescription drugs, will harm them significantly, and yes, can cause death.


Answer by  Serona (35)

Vicodin can kill a bird very quickly. Body mass plays a part in how much a person takes and birds don't have the mass to have much in their system.


Answer by  heatherbooboo (655)

Yes its a very strong pain medicine. Depending on the milligrams it will most likely put the bird in a coma. If its a big bird and the milligrams are low on the Vicodin it may not.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

There seem to be many ways to rid yourself of birds. I didnt see that euthanizing with Vicodin was something that worked. I think a vet should be the one to handle something like this not someone who has no experience with this issue. Also I would question why you are doing this.

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