


Question by  srikumaran (21)

What types of ladybugs are golden?


Answer by  jennylongshot (279)

Golden Lady Bugs are a bit of an urban legend. What you are seeing in your garden is actually a type of Tortoise Beetle. The 'Milkweed' Tortoise Beetle is more golden in color than the 'Clavate' Tortoise Beetle, but both may be mistaken for a lucky lady bug of gold.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

As far as I know all lady bugs are red non of them are golden. The japanese beetles alot of times will have a gold hue to them you could do and online search and it will pull all the information you are looking for and you would be able to print it for future reference.


Answer by  ramoskenneth285 (631)

There is only one type of insects that are golden.This insects belongs to family coccinelliade.This insects are very rare.They say that Golden lady bugs are urban legend.The common golden bugs that you've seen always in your garden are a type of tortoise beetle.There are two types of tortoise beetle,these are Milkweed tortoise beetle and clavate tortoise beetle.


Answer by  saturno (325)

The only types of ladybugs that are golden are the insects that belong to family coccinelliade but this kind of insects are very rare because the goldeness is a very rare condition in the body of the animal on the other hand exist other family if this kind of insects that the goldeness is more commun

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