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Question by  Skullwing (746)

Are ladybugs beneficial?

I have an infestation of ladybugs in my home, my wife refuses to let me kill them, she says they are helpful to the environment.


Answer by  Bayarts (470)

Ladybugs are helpful to the environment because they eat insects that cause harm to plants. An infestation of ladybugs to certain crops can help dramatically reduce the number of aphids, and mites. They are also useful in helping eliminate mealyworms.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

You might want to keep a few ladybugs around your home, because they eat aphids. aphids are other yucky insects. So they work kind of like a pesticide for other annoying bus.


Answer by  snappies (579)

Yes, they are very helpful and beneficial insects ! They eat aphids and things that will ruin your plants. They should leave on their own in time. Killing them should be a last resort.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

They are very helpful to the environment and they are great for plants all they eat are aphids and aphids will kill flowering plants.


Answer by  saturno (325)

Yes of course, some species of ladybugs are natural depredators of others pests like aphids frequently the good ones have the red body with dark circle spots and dark head

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