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Question by  MarkWatrous (729)

What kind of winged bugs are brown?


Answer by  wennifred (597)

The type that are common right now are stink bugs. There are several different types (some of which aren't brown), including the cedar bug.


Answer by  nate33 (62)

The kinds of winged bugs that are brown would include grasshoppers, crickets, and moths. These three bugs come in different colors, yet they all appear in brown as well. These bugs have 2-4 wings and can fly. They mostly eat other smaller insects to survive in the wilderness and in captivity.


Answer by  barbie11 (62)

The kind of winged bugs that are brown are gnats, brown aphids, and thrips. thrips usually eat other mites. they seem to love light and that is why we see them flying around light bulbs so much. they are also the bugs that fly around your face which can be very annoying.

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