

Question by  nethrasen (25)

What kind of training is required for someone in pediatrics to specialize in neonatalogy?


Answer by  wonderman (201)

The road to becoming a Neonatologist is a long one - you need to do 4 years of medical college, 3 years of Pediatric internship (after which you become a qualified pediatrician) and residency and finally another 3 years of a Neonatology fellowship. That's 10 years of studies and exams!


Answer by  notanexpert (199)

You should consider a Residency in a neonatology unit/ICU for 2 years. I've heard that Singapore and Australia offer 2 years residencies.


Answer by  rjeyanth (194)

The Neonatology Fellowship is a 3 year course that involves working under supervision of a Specialist Consultant in a Neonatal Intensive care Unit and doing a research project. At the end of this one needs to take a written and a practical exam to become a qualified Neonatologist.


Answer by  benji (165)

Every country has its own exams and courses. In India, once you finish your MD (Pediatrics), you can either do a DM or a DNB in Neonatology. There are very few institutions in India that offer this. Australia and the USA have some great fellowship courses in Neonatology.

Reply by boonjax (205):
I've heard PGI (Post Graduate Institute) in Chandigarh, India, is one of the best in India for training.  add a comment

Answer by  drgandhi (5)

after md go for atleast 1-3yrs of intensive training at specialised centre.with this you need dedication that you have to put throughout your life for these little gods.they need your respect, dedication, hardwork and time to have a fruitful journey called life which begins at birth.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Once completing your degree in the specialty of pediatrics one must go through an internship and then a fellowship. This requires additional schooling.

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