

Question by  SethBailey (26)

What is involved in putting breastfed babies on a schedule?


Answer by  Sally (103)

A major decision when having children is whether or not they will be breastfed or formula fed. Breastfed babies tend to eat every two to three hours when first born, but can be stretched between feedings once they are old enough to tolerate solid foods. Alternating between feeding, playtime, and naping also helps provide organization to a child's day.


Answer by  Mj (17)

Breastfed babies generally start off nursing frequently because they don't nurse very long. As they grow and get older, they will generally nurse between two to four hours and obtain a more normal schedule.


Answer by  maber (1427)

In order to put them on a schedule, you should feed them at the same time every day and also the same amount.


Answer by  baba24 (270)

It's important to know they feed more often when being breastfed than with formula. They usually feeds every two or three hours so usually you're on their schedule.

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