

Question by  Sudar (134)

What causes constipation in a breastfed baby?


Answer by  Acoustica (69)

If solid foods have just been introduced into the breastfed baby's diet or if you have switched the baby to infant formula just recently, it is very possible that this could have caused your baby's constipation. If you have introduced cow's milk into the baby's diet, it could also be the problem.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

What mother eats that will become milk for baby.So if the mother eats too fatty items which are hard for the digestion,naturally the baby too will have the constipation.If the mother was having this problem during pregnancy it will transmit to the issue also.Eat simple food.


Answer by  afamb (557)

All babies are just prone to constipation because their digestive system is not fully developed and is very sensitive. But, watch what foods you are eating each day because certain foods that mom eats can and will upset babies tummy and can potentially cause some constipation. Make sure he gets enough liquids/milk especially if it is hot outside.


Answer by  Sudar (134)

Usually breastfed babies do not constipate. Give lot more water in between breast feeds as also dip the dry grapes(black ones), squeeze and give that water in empty stomach.

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