

Question by  trombonequeen (36)

What is important social etiquette to remember on a date?

Seriously, do I still have to open doors and all of that?


Answer by  John (9008)

A date is like an interview. You want to impress the person you are dating; as such, you should be as polite and courteous as possible. This includes things like opening doors (if you're a man), but also includes not interrupting, saying "please" and "thank you," and just being generally respectful.


Answer by  hbmarsh (99)

Be polite. Be courteous. Listen when your date is talking. Use good manners when eating together. Pay attention to your date at all times. Dress appropriately. Don't talk on your cell phone during the date. Don't talk about past relationships. Don't tell your date she reminds you of your mother.


Answer by  turkanswerer (27)

When on a date, men sould display general respect and courtesy to his woman date partner. This includes behavior and etiquette that focuses on your date's well-being.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

It is important so that you do not offend your date. And even if it does not offend her, it will impress her. It also shows that you are classy and respectful, and thus a higher caliber than the rest of the herd. Thus you should use social etiquette when on a date.

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