

Question by  slyfoxbro (26)

What is going on if my tv powers off by itself?


Answer by  kissamedeadly (133)

There are many reasons that a television may power off by itself. It may be on a timer this often is the case with those that have been display models. Also, there may be a short in the electrical wiring it is plugged into causing it to overload or the power button may be faulty.


Answer by  Amanda47 (19)

It is possible that your television has been put on a sleep timer. You can usually check the settings in the menu to make sure there isn't a timer. Another possibility is that someone is sitting on the remote control and accidently turning it off. Keep the remote off of seating.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

The first thing i would check and see if someone set the timer on the shut off button to go off at a certain time. Then i would check to see if you are getting a power surge or have a power strip that has gone bad. If so replace it.


Answer by  lynn (821)

It is most likely set on a timer to turn off after so many hours of being on. If this is not the case then there is some sort of interference coming from another type of electronic device set at the same frequency as the remote control. Like a walkie-talkie or a garage-door opener.

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