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Question by  vatriala (27)

What is a good treatment to stop my dog from constantly chewing on his paws?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Usually dogs chew their paws when they have yeast infections or other irritations. Try cleaning his paws daily with a damp rag or baby wipe.


Answer by  LadyBug4 (168)

You can buy Bitter Apple spray from your vet or Pet supply store. Make sure there are no underlying causes of the chewing, though. Check the pads for injuries, or something stuck in there. My dog had gum stuck in there once! The spray is totally safe, it just tastes bad, and will help in breaking a habit! Good luck!


Answer by  bmacavid (85)

First of all, you have to make sure it's not because of a medical condition, check with your vet first. If there's no medical condition, this could be caused by frustration or by stress. Sometimes all your dog needs is more exercise. Never pet him when he does that or you'll reinforce this behavior.


Answer by  bobbo3 (39)

There is bitter stuff you can put on his paws to discourage him. You can get it from your vet. I recommend a muzzle myself.

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