

Question by  lolcat (49)

What happens in your third trimester of pregnancy?


Answer by  Avidiva (82)

Several things are going on during your third trimester. The baby continues to develop and gain weight and your body begins to change. Your cervix starts to thin and dialte, preparing for the birth. You may also experience "Braxton Hicks" contractions which are sometimes mistaken for labor.


Answer by  shondabihari (116)

You may begin to develop milk. Your baby "drops" into place and gets ready for birth. Baby fully develops. You may experience Braxton Hicks false labor pains.


Answer by  Mary (2095)

The baby increases a lot in weight, and the mother's body prepares for delivery. The baby lowers and hips shift out.


Answer by  Dreamlight (856)

Every pregnancy is different. Some women report being overburdened by their size at this stage, while others repor being quite energetic. You'll just have to wait and find out.

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