

Question by  okinawa (1)

What could be causing an unexplained fever with no other symptoms?

Lasts for days, goes away and then returns. Average 102-102.8.


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

When you have a fever it means somewhere in your body there is some type of infection or virus and your body is attempted to fight it off. Try and take some over the counter medication for a fever, but if the symptoms persist, go see a doctor so he can help find out whats wrong.


Answer by  mmv (19)

It could be a urinary tract infection. Some people do not experience other symptoms with a urinary tract infection, such as pain or burning when urinating, cloudy or odorous urine. Drinking a lot of water or cranberry juice can clear out the infection for a while, making the fever go down for a while, but not eliminating the infection.


Answer by  diamond10 (160)

Many things can cause a fever, which is actually the body's way of healing itself. When the body temperature is raised,leukocytes move faster to eat invader germs, interferons are produced, and antibiotics are more effective. Regardless of what is causing the fever, it is best not to give fever-lowering medications unless there is too much discomfort.


Answer by  atman (308)

Fever of unknown origin can be caused by an infection. Fever is the body's way of eliminating bacteria. The body literally "cooks" the bacteria in the system therefore killing them. A blood test can be done to look for excess white cells which can confirm that there is an infection in the body. Your doctor can order this test.

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