

Question by  dave90 (63)

What are some possible causes of pain in the top of my foot?


Answer by  Cyn (408)

The common causes of foot pain are tendonites, ganglion cyst, midtarsal fault, nerve entrapment, stress fracture, or a bone spur. The most common is tendonites. Tendonitis becomes more prevelant as people age, and the tendons lose some of their elasticity. It can also be triggered by trauma to the foot, or excessive exercise.


Answer by  Sara64 (113)

There are so many causes for the pain. Using the high healed chapel is the main cause. The foot pain also cause because of any factures or anything. Diabetic patients also have the foot pain. Arthritis patients are the main suffers of foot pain. Calcium deficiency is an important cause of foot pain.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Feet take a beating durring your average day. Many people experience foot pain from athletes foot, ingrone toenail or an irritated tendon. These problems are basic but foot pain can also mean bone spurs, pinched nerves or bunions. Poor circulation could affect you depending on the shoes you wear all day as well.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

You could have a tendon injury or a bruise on the bone, but it could be something more serious, like a hairline fracture. This happened to me in college and it was on the top of my foot -- I didn't even know it was broken for months! So, I would go to the doctor and get an xray!

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