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Question by  slsweet (45)

What are some large red insects?


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If you can get a picture of some of them you can do an internet search and look through all the pictures it pulls and when you find the bug you are looking for it will give you all the details on it or you can contact and exterminater and they will be able to help you with this also.


Answer by  GRRL (126)

Walking down a road in rural Louisiana I came across the biggest insects I have ever seen: dark red millipedes 8 inches long.


Answer by  Gus6 (13)

The term large is relative. Some "larger" red insects are the Horntail wasp,Cicada, some dragonflies including the chalakudy, thrissur found in India, thr Jerusalem Cricket, the brillant red Trithemis kirbyi, the Large Red Damselfly known as Pyrrhosoma nymphula, the Attacus atlas female Indonezja moth, and the Pentatomid bug (also known as a stink bug).

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