

Question by  RobertJamey (124)

Should I worry about my infant's weight loss?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

If your baby is losing weight you should contact the baby's pediatrician. It could be normal weight loss due to growth and losing baby fat, but normally losing weight isn't a good thing.


Answer by  cacp9urple (78)

It depends on the circumstances srounding it. Is your baby getting more active? Have you started solids? Had a stomach bug? All of these contribute to infant weight loss but are not a concern for worry.


Answer by  kgrim (510)

Depending on your infanst age. Newborns typically lose weight during the first week. If you are breastfeeding you may want to seek YOUR infants pediatrician.


Answer by  diane23 (1167)

Infants should not lose weight after the initial, normal weight loss in the first couple of days after birth. They should gain weight steadily. If your baby is eating normally and is losing weight, he or she should see a pediatrician immediately. Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of a serious health problem.

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