

Question by  lyndeegirl (7)

Should I be concerned about my infant throwing up breast milk?


Answer by  Anonymous

He could have an allergy to something you're eating. Consult his pediatrician or a lactation consultant for guidance as to what to eliminate from your diet in order to figure out what your baby could be reacting to.


Answer by  Elle11 (44)

I disagree with trying formula, which could worsen it. Most babies do spit up a little, however large amounts especially if projectile could be a sign of something serious. Check with your pediatrician.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

I breast fed and they are not sickly babies like bottle fed. A little sickness is normal but if the baby is bringing up lots of milk take the baby to the doctor or clinic also they will weigh the child to make sure there is weight gain.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

It is always concerning when an infant is vomiting, It is important that the child gets enough fluids and does not dehydrate.


Answer by  Anonymous

My 27yr old 6'3" son was a glutton and threw up often at first.. ....Till he got the nack... then he demand breastfed till he was 2! It was soso tough to wean him! I he gaining weight? Maybe start timing nursing or relax... go for it?


Answer by  Michelle27 (103)

You should watch to see if it's projectile. If so, let your doctor know about it. Otherwise, it's pretty normal for babies to spit up. Even if it's a lot and at each feeding. It's easier to deal with as time goes on. If you're worried, call your doctor for reassurance.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

Yes I would, the breast milk might not agree with their system. I would try them on some sort of formula to see if that works better with their digestive system.

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