


Question by  worker65 (25)

My Mini Pins has a red rash skin problem, what should I do?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You should see a vet. Rashes aren't "normal" to any breed, your baby has an issue, and needs relief. Pins have a good coat that is easy care- you need to look for pests, or nutritional issues, this could be fleas, mange, feed, or an uncommon allergy. It is not something you can "vet", you need your pro.


Answer by  lovelife (998)

The best thing to do is to take her in to your veterinarian so that they can determine the cause of the rash. Some will require antibiotics to cure where others will go away on their own. It could be diet related or a skin condition, so needs to be evaluated.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

Your dog might be allergic to something that he has recently had contact with. If you can, figure out what it was that he was allergic to. Benedryl can help with skin rashes, so you can try giving him that.


Answer by  Isidro (624)

The best alternative if they don't go away is to contact your vet and have them look at them to see if they are a serious infection. Many times it could be what you feed them.

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