Answer by
Richard88 (391)
Not accurately. If you want a number, you will need a calibrated device. The alternative would be to use a balance, like a teeter totter, where you sit on one side and put weights on the other side until both sides are level. This is not accurate, and a lot of trouble; you'd need more than 100lbs of weights.
This is complete BS. Water displacement measure volume not mass or weight. Think about it. A super dense rock would displace the same about of water as as less dense rock of same size. add a comment
correct me if im wrong but doesnt this just measure volume of your body. For expample, you could puff your chest up and more water will be displaced while body weight ways the same. a ten pound weight and 20 pound weight will displace same water if same size wieghts. add a comment
not trying to be mean- but mckobe your answer is silly. What you are saying would only work if the tub was unformily equate. Usually they are not. I do love the touch (jk) of magic marker- which speaks VOLUMES of your apptitude to refer this test- lack there of. add a comment
mckobe, may I aks you what your specialty in science is? you are spreading incorrect information. Think for just a bit-...gallon. weight....
still not sure? A one gallon bucket holds just that- ONE gallon. Now, if you choose to fill that bucket with water and another one with rocks.. add a comment