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Question by  dannyleachlivecom (9)

Is pumpkin considered to be a fruit?


Answer by  PZ (1206)

Yes, a pumpkin is a fruit because it contains seeds. In botany, any part of a plant containing seeds is considered to be a fruit, which is why tomatoes, cucumbers and squash are technically fruits as well. In everyday cooking terms, though, a pumpkin is typically called a vegetable.


Answer by  OO (45)

As far as I am concerned, I do not think so, it is regarded as a kind of vegetable and can be made delicious dish,maybe someone has a misunderstanding of fruit definition.


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

Although pumpkins are traditionally thought of as a vegetable, the same as a tomato is, both are fruits since they contain seeds and are grown from the flower bud (ovary) of the plant.


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

While people views differ on this question, the truth of the matter is that pumpkin botanically is considered a fruit.

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