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Question by  s (8)

Is Fenphedra safe?


Answer by  steverino (275)

Fenphedra is certainly not safe and should not be used under any circumstance. Side effects can include increased heart rate, chronic headaches, diarrhea, insomnia and others. Fenphedra is loaded with caffeine, and is not a substitute for proper nutrition, exercise, and physician care if you require significant weight loss or even just a simpler weight control.


Answer by  JodiJ (312)

A few sites indicate that it does carry some potential health risks especially if you have heart problems, take MAO inhibitors, or liver problems.


Answer by  mani (813)

No. But using Fenphedra may cause side effects because it contains neosynephrine with it. If you want to be slim do some exercise, eat fruits and vegetables which are having more calories there are no proof that any one who used Fenphedra experienced with loss of weight.


Answer by  sajanjiv (85)

up to a certain extent it may be considered safe as it also has the associated effects of elevating one's mood while at the same time suppressing appetite. however it may lead to excessive stimulation due to caffeine content

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