
 diy  windows


Question by  ChrisD6977 (20)

How should I replace the counterweights in old wood frame windows?


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

The-counter-weights are BEHIND the-wood-facing on either-side of an-old-wooden-frame-double-hung-window. If the-old-ropes broke or wore-out, the-counter-weights may have fallen in the-wall down to the-floor-boards or even-farther below. Use a putty-knife to score through the-paint around the-face-boards, use several-flat-edges to pry the-face-boards off to-access the-counter-weights. You can "fish" for the-old-counter-weights with a-wire-coat-hanger (avoid-live-wires).


Answer by  RLozano (213)

Sometimes you can simply use an automotive grabber tool to fish out the original rope, to pull it up to the top and hold it there with a wire and replace the rope. Or get a small flat prybar and very carefully pry off the wood covering underneath the nails. Careful, the covering wood may be joined at the corners.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, if you want to replace them, you have to find a replacement first do you not. So therefore, you can find a replacement on ebay or any other major product site. Then replace the same way that you went through the installation. It is fairly basic and can be done.

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