
 how to  yard


Question by  Ashaan (50)

How should I go about aerating the lawn, then seeding?


Answer by  jcm (117)

You need to puchase or rent and aerating machine. These are available at many hardware stores. Use the machine like a lawn mower in th sense passing the areating machine overr the entire lawn. The areating machine will leave small plugs on top of the lawn, you will need to rake these up. Then you can seed the lawn.


Answer by  ruralguy (20)

First rake the lawn thoroughly to remove any moss and thatch. Using a garden fork or hollow tine aerator, make holes evenly over the surface of the lawn. Then spread lawn sand or fine soil over the surface of the lawn, and brush to fill in the new holes. Sow lawn seed evenly over the prepared surface and water thoroughly.


Answer by  worker12 (293)

Depending on how large small lawn rent a barrel type aerator,hook up a garden tractor aerator and ride around the lawn make sure its weighted. Have soil tested so you know what fertilizer Number you will need. Spread fertilizer with a hand spreader,wet, next day wet ,spread seed,lay straw, keep damp. water morning and nite. Keep damp!


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

I would aerate the lawn with a aerating rake or rent an areator from the Home Depot or neighbor. Wait until it rained and the lawn got a good soaking. Then with a lawn rake, loosen the soil and drop down seed. Keep this watered and in about 8 days you should see some spouts.

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