

Question by  HulaGirl (28)

How much farther should I run today than yesterday?


Answer by  ryry806 (30)

You should run only one mile farther today than you did yesterday. If you are trying to increase your distance each day, it's important to take it slow.


Answer by  Kim54 (53)

The distance you run today depends on a couple of factors. First, have you recently started a running program; if so, then you you should keep your current pace and distance. Second, ask your self how you felt after yesterday's run; if you felt guilty over breaking your pace then you can add some distance to today's run.


Answer by  Paintballer90210 (56)

If this is something that you are going to stick with then I would take it slow. Say today was your first day running and you ran three miles. Then tomorrow i would say you should yun three and a quarter miles. But dont overdo it.

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