health conditions


Question by  failtorespond (41)

How does solarcaine work for cellulitis?


Answer by  LisaEicholtz (227)

Solarcane is used to treat inflammation and pain caused by sunburn. Knowing this it could help relieve the pain and inflammation of the inflammatory infection cellulitis.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Solarcaine is a topical anesthetic that helps soothe itching, burning or other painful skin problems by helping to deaden the nerves at the skin surface. Cellulitis is a painful condition. A cool, soothing spray of Solarcaine could help. If you've been diagnosed with cellulitis, your doctor should Rx an appropriate pain medication.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Solarcaine is lidocaine. It does not treat the cellulitis, rahter it stops it from itching and being painfull, thus you don't traumatize the skin anymore.


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

Solarcaine is used to treat inflammation and pain caused by sunburn. The anti-inflammatory properties of solarcaine can help relieve the pain and inflammation of the inflammatory infection cellulitis.


Answer by  Cara (72)

Cellulitis is an inflammatory infectious process. Solarcaine is used to treat the inflammation and pain caused by sun burn. The anti-inflammatory properties of solarcaine can help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with cellulitis.


Answer by  amber85 (147)

Solarcaine is often used for numbing and using the proper amount the medicine should help stop some of the discomfort caused by the cellulitis.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

Solarcaine is use to treat sunburns. It can help with cellulitis by easing the pain and helping prevent anymore skin damage. But to it is just and immediate fix, your doctor should prescribe pain medicine for long term help.

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