health conditions


Question by  mina (17)

How does Inderal work for hyperthyroidism?


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

Inderal is a beta blocker. It as a drug does not directly treat hyperthyroidism, but rather it treats the side effects. It is used to help with tremors, feelings of anxiety and jitteriness, and metabolism.


Answer by  mb (5482)

Like all medications Inderal will work better for some patients than for others. The best thing to do it try it and document all your responses to the meds.


Answer by  rewa (57)

Since excess of thyroid hormone overstimulates metabolism and exacerbates the effect of sympathetic nervous system causing speeding up of various body systems, like fast heart beat, symptoms of palpitation,nervous system tremor and anxiety. Inderal are beta blockers they off set this effect reducing rapid pulse and makes these symptoms manageable.


Answer by  Ann89 (613)

Inderal is often prescribed by a medical doctor for a number of reasons and one of them is to help manage Hyperthyroidism. It is a beta blocker which helps with circulation. People with hyperthyroidism often have slow circulation.


Answer by  moonstar45342 (26)

yes if taken in moderation. You need to drink a lot of water to up your metbolism and exercise at least three times a week.You need to up the metabolism in order to help your hypothyroidism process well and eat right. getting foods from each of the food groups.


Answer by  TMyers (1084)

In patients with hyperthyroidism, a doctor may prescribe Inderal. This medication can be used to slow a rapid heart rate, control anxiety, and reduce tremors. Inderal is only used in extreme cases with symptoms that can not otherwise be controlled. It does not effect the production of hormones by the thyroid.


Answer by  worker4452 (80)

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which there is increased production of adrenaline and Inderal blocks the effects of adrenaline. This condition is characterized by high BP, sweating and fast pulse rate and Inderal being a beta-blocker helps to relieve these symptoms.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

Inderal is a beta blocker. It really only treats the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, the tremors, jitteriness, anxiety, rapid heart beat and the metabolism. It does work fairly well on the symptoms.


Answer by  kgoatley (22)

Inderal does not treat hyperthyroidism, but it does help control some of the symptoms such as a rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, and feelings of anxiety and nervousness.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

This drug is a beta blocker, so it will not treat hyperthyroidism but could help treat the symptoms. It is used to treat anxiety, metabolism, and the tremors and jitters associated with hyperthyroidism.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Hyperthyroidism is treated by radioactive iodine , antithyroid medications or the surgical removal of the thyroid. Inderal is usually used to treat hypertension, heart problems, prevent heart attacks and the treatment of migraine headaches. In fact, caution must be used if one has a thyroid condition when taking Inderal.

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