

Question by  Warner (56)

How do you keep a cake from collapsing in the middle?


Answer by  jeevasajeev (21)

I will check the correct propotion of the items and the baking heat of the oven. keep the correct time to cook the cake. please check the items,if missed anything add it in to the mixture. please check the mould is oven proof ,and pour correct measure of the mixture into the dish and start baking.


Answer by  petra (39)

Bake the cake as soon as it is mixed and never open the oven door until the cake is done (or at least almost done).


Answer by  klypos (271)

Cakes usually collapse because the cooking temperature is too high, or the cooking time is too short. Try reducing the cooking temperature by 10 degF and increasing the cooking time by 10 min. Avoid looking at the cake -don't open the oven during baking!

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