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real estate


Question by  freebird (225)

How do you appeal an eviction?

I'm getting kicked out unfairly.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Eviction is the result of non-payment of rent. The rent is either current, or in arrears. The landlord has the right to evict for non-payment of rent.


Answer by  NGoodson (3395)

You can appeal an eviction by going through the court and filing a rebuttle to the eviction. Every state and county call it something different, but you are able to file a document that will allow your matter to be heard before a magistrate or judge.


Answer by  falconkatie (21)

The first step would be to speak with the landlord and clarify any instances that have resulted in you getting evicted. This way, you are sure of everything that is being held against you. At that point, I would try to clear over any confusion that has occurred. If nothing else can be done, contact a lawyer.


Answer by  KLC (198)

You can have your day in court. Show up, tell the truth, and be heard by the judge but if you have not paid your rent, the eviction will take place.

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