

Question by  Stella (26)

How can I help my child build a model of a volcano?


Answer by  barefootinformation (62)

First decide which type of model you both prefer by searching video sites such as YouTube using the key word 'Volcano'. There are different types of Chemicals used in Volcano models such as Vinegar and baking soda or simply using ammonium dichromate and a wick. Myth Busters as well has videos to watch! Then Learn Laugh Teach.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Make a clay mountian.On the top make a deephole for crater.Inside it keep baking soda mixed with red food colour in milk.Next day lava will pour out.


Answer by  TerraGatson (46)

You can get a lot of stuff like: vingear and baking soda which is a requirement. You will also need flour, salt, water, and food coloring.


Answer by  sparksteacher (134)

There are kits that you can buy that tell you how to create a volcano model. Or you can use home ingredients by using salt dough, baking soda, and vinegar.

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