Generally speaking the stomach of any human being is about the size of their fist. However, babies will not eat unless they are hungry and require a lot of calories.
At that stage, a child is growing so rapidly, it really depends on their size. A 6 month old can typically hold at least 8-10oz. of milk at a time. They also begin to crave food because their digestive system is working better and milk is gone much quicker.
He should not drink more than 8 ounces in one sitting and even that is a lot. If you notice your baby vomits a lot, can't go to the bathroom or cries after eating, he could be eating too much.
Actually, stomach capacity is about 4oz for a normal, breastfed infant. If baby is able to eat more than that, it is often because a lack of proper portion control and stretching the stomach out over time.
My six month old son drinks 9 ounces at a time, and is eating three meals consisting of organic fruits an vegetables, as well as oats. He is insatiable and his digestive system is humming along. Vaccinating can have ill effects on the digestive track.
thank you kirri , that was my assumption for portion sizeing, regards add a comment