


Question by  Castlekeeper (39)

Can you give me some tips for potty training an outdoor cat?


Answer by  near2land (493)

Practice patience with your cat while making the transition from an outdoor lifestyle to indoor litter box training. Cats love to dig naturally but to ensure a smooth transition, provide a clean litter box and when your cat does use the litter box, offer words of praise and loving support.


Answer by  yadacat (94)

Immediately show the cat the litter box. Don't throw the cat in the box or try to make it dig because this could spook the cat. Cats usually instinctively know that this is their spot to go in. If the cat has an accident use a cleaning product with enzymes in it or he may resoil the same area again.


Answer by  Me51 (357)

The unfortunate reality is that using a litterbox is almost entirely instinctual for a cat. You'll find it very difficult to successfully train a cat that is not using one already to use one. There isn't much you can do other than make sure the cat has a clean box.


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

For cats that are outside only you dont rally have to worry about potty training them. If they are indoor and outdoor, you will need to litter box train them.

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