


Question by  worker9077 (8)

Can I file a hardship exemption due to wrongful garnishment of wages?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You can file for a hardship exemption. If you are referring to an exemption for tax payment purposes, you need to call the IRS and ask. Generally you will need to have a judgement adjudicated. I advise that you call the IRS helpline, they are very knowledgeable and helpful.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Wages cannot be attached without a court order. You were notified of this action and the opportunity to appear and be heard. Wage garnishments are intended to force a debtor to pay. Given the fact that the matter was not resolved prior to court action, it is assumed that there hardship, but this should have been brought to the judge.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You need to consult a lawyer about it, The lawyer can tell you everything you need to know about that problem.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

A hardship exemption for wrongful garnishment? How do this occur? You should first contact the person that garnished your wages as this doesn't happen without a civil case in court first. Did you get a summons and decide not to show up? If this is true you don't have much to fall back on.

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