

Question by  Kath (1537)

Why are dog noses always wet?


Answer by  chineseyoyos (41)

There are two reasons for a dog having a wet nose, one is to help their sense of smell, and two a wet nose helps keep them cool. It is not sweat on their nose it is actually mucus. A dog that is sleeping will have a dry nose compared to one that is awake and sniffing.


Answer by  ZenHaltija (286)

Many believe that a dog's nose represents whether or not the dog is healthy. However, the dog's nose is wet if the air is humid. Within the lateral glands of the dog's nose humidity is produced. You will find that a healthy dog's nose will be dry during hot weather.


Answer by  Shadowwolf816 (28)

Dogs' noses aren't *always* wet. They can be wet, dry, or runny just like a human's. If a dog's nose is dry, it doesn't necessarily mean they are unhealthy. Dogs just tend to lick their noses a lot, generally if they're happy, and it will get wet and stay that way as long as they're licking.


Answer by  Allstar (2071)

Because he keeps licking it. It has more to do with the local humidity than his health. A wet nose helps him tell which way a smell is coming from.

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