


Question by  Marinko (19)

Who do you see when you die?


Answer by  Zampano (164)

Honestly? Probably no one. However, there are probably certain chemical reaction that go on in your brain as you die, you might have what are essentially "waking dreams" and "see" loved ones. No modernly upheld religious texts actual say how you interact with other souls, no guarantees you'll see anyone.


Answer by  fesdre (655)

If you are born again you will see all the people who are in heaven. If you are not then you will see all the people in hell. Everyone I believe will see God and Jesus when they are judged. The next part is back to my first point again.


Answer by  premsingh (34)

at the time of your death you will angle or devil as per your karma and the place where you will going to take birth in next birth, in next life....

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