where to find


Question by  lah24 (3)

Where is the Fairie Festival located?

Is it held only once a year?


Answer by  tina78 (45)

The May Day Fairie Festival is held about 45 miles north of Baltimore, Maryland near the town of Glen Rock, PA. The festival takes place every year at Sproutwood Farm, an organic farm that is part of the Community Supported Agriculture movement. As many as 16,000 people attend the event each year.


Answer by  Brandon77 (5)

The Faririe Festival is located at Spoutwood Farm just outside of Glen Rock, Pennsylvania. It is held once a year in May.


Answer by  jaljl25 (547)

It takes place in Minnesota and it only takes place once a year in the month of May. Thus you should go check it out and see what it is all about.

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