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Question by  Cindy26 (15)

What's a good homemade canine ear mite cleaning solution?


Answer by  worker8766 (60)

A good home solution is using hydrogen peroxide and cotton balls. Be sure someone helps hold the dog still while cleaning. Dip one cotton ball into the peroxide. Open up the ear and in a twisting out motion, clean the ear. Repeat daily until clear. If infection comes back, have a vet take a look and prescribe ear drops.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Use a 1:1 solution of water and white vinegar. Use a fresh cotton ball after every swipe. Do not use vinegar on ears that are red or bleeding.


Answer by  worker1722 (27)

Cleaning solution for caine ear's- You can use cotton bud as a instrument to dothe process or cloth wound around a twig, use a soltio mix of vinegar,rubbing alchol and water in same ouantity. incase of ear irritation inside the eare use some cooking oil with small piece of garlic heat it in a samll vessel put into the ears


Answer by  worker14 (5)

Warm up a small amount of olive oil and pour it into the dog's ear canals. The ear mites will suffocate.

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