

Question by  Kumar73 (26)

What would cause pain in my thigh all the way to my ankle?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

This pain could indicate an issue with your sciatic nerve. Or it might be caused by arthritis in the knee, a torn meniscus (knee), or referred paid from elsewhere.


Answer by  ppremise (200)

A common cause for pain that radiates up and down is a fracture or broken bone, probably at the ankle or above.


Answer by  diamond10 (160)

Pain of the sciatic nerve, commonly called sciatica, can be caused by sitting on a wallet, sitting on your feet, carrying a toolbelt, or even pregnancy.


Answer by  Mudge (33)

Possibly a back injury. Something like a herniated disk can pinch the nerves running down the legs, causing pain in legs that's not related to anything in the legs.

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