

Question by  beatification (60)

What should I write in an invitation to an office potluck?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

The Gang's Getting Together We need you to attend Turn your computer off and leave your work in your chair But bring a delicious food dish to share A potluck party is on the agenda! RSVP to the desk of Linda We'll see you there or YOU'RE FIRED!


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Who's having it. Where it is going to be. When it will take place. What is the occassion. A sign-up sheet with a list of what food is to be brought. There should be a column for each category of food so the person can check off their choice to bring.


Answer by  twyla158 (82)

You are cordially invited to attend the office potluck on Saturday, August 1st, from 12 noon to 3:30 PM. There will be an assortment of food available. Could you please sign up by Friday to bring a dish to pass? Please choose an appetizer, main dish, vegetable, dessert, or refreshments, or paper products (plates, napkins, etc. ).


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

The most important thing to write is what to bring, where to meet, and what time and date. After that, you might want to indicate the "theme" of the event, if there is one--a Hawaiian luau, for instance, or barbecue. Indicate whether they need to bring their own drink and table service, too.

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