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Question by  jane51 (287)

What should I look for when buying antique dressers?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

First and foremost you will want to insure that the dresser is in good condition, that all the hardware works properly, and that there is no mold or water damage. Additionally, you may want to have it appraised so as to provide some sort of proof of authenticity. If the owner refuses this it is probably not a real antique.


Answer by  Brooklyner (58)

Well, some aspects are obvious. You'll want to be sure the piece matches the rest of your home (or at least the room you plan to put it in) in style, coloring and scale. Check for wear, tear and nicks, and use various antique websites to check its authenticity.


Answer by  AD8000 (130)

The main thing to look for is to make sure any of the wood is not rotting or eaten away. So the dresser is strong and sturdy and not going to collapse. There is a place called OLDE GOOD THINGS in Santa Monica California that has lots of cool stuff.


Answer by  fliptop (126)

The main thing to look out for is the condition of the piece and if all parts are original. Have repairs been made? Hardware updated? These will detract from value.


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

Antique dressers can be expensive, and usually they are worth the cost, but you have to keep a few things in mind: how old are they? what kind of wood are they made from? are they broken or damaged? what is the story behind the dresser?


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Style, general condition should appeal to you as is. Look for any wood dust in drawers or joints: don't buy if you see it. Smell for odors, especially pet urine.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Look for solid construction, hardware that matches the period of the piece, and check that the finish is decent unless you are planning to strip the piece and refinish it. Look in the corners of the drawers and at other joints for powdery wood dust that indicates rot or bugs.


Answer by  Mike37 (29)

Buying antique dressers are easy, you just need to know where to look. When looking for antique dressers you want look for them at yard sales and flea markets.Flea markets have an endless variety of antique dressers. You are better off looking for antique dressers at flea markets because you can have a choice of which ones you like.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you should look for embossing. You should also look for detailing throughout the dresser. See if the carving is unique, something that you won't be able to find in today's dressers. See the level of work. Usually antique pieces, carry more to them than other pieces would ever carry.


Answer by  Marie (778)

When buying antique dressers, you should make sure that the piece is not missing any hardware (such as drawer pulls). You should also look to see if any repairs have been made to the piece, as these things will affect the value.


Answer by  Robs4thecubs (422)

Try going to old antique stores or garage sales. Antique dressers are often sold at these locations cheaply and commonly.


Answer by  beck (1099)

Depending on the time period you are interested in you will want to look for solid wood, if early 20th century and veneered, look for intact veneer. Dovetailing on the dresser drawers indicates earlier, well made furniture. Check that the drawers open and close easily and there is no mustiness.

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