health conditions


Question by  mrsBee (49)

What should I know if I have a mass in my frontal lobe?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

A mass in the brain can press against vital structures and should be monitored and removed if possible. In the frontal lobe there are some structures that control emotion and other things that cannot be repaired if they are damaged. Damage cannot be repaired if there is too much of it.


Answer by  Silver575 (69)

In such cases, a mass might indicate a cancerous tumor, calcified deposits, or dead brain matter. Such indications need a professional evaluation from a special doctor like a neruologist or oncologist. The fronal lobe of the brain is crucial from rational decisions and impulse control. Having a mass might affect your behavior and should be discussed with a doctor.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

A mass or tumor in any part of brain can be life-threatening. There are different types of treatments which include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The type or combination of treatment to be given, depends upon the size and location of the tumor. After surgery, patient may have many side effects.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

EEG monitoring and MRI scan of frontal lobe can reveal the presence of mass or tumor in that area. The common symptoms due to mass in frontal lobe are seizures, frequent urination, mood swings, inability to recogize smells, loss of memory, loss of balance while walking and sudden emotional changes.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

First, this could be any number of things, not just cancer. However, it is very serious and will require repeated medical attentions and probably a very serious surgery in order to remove it.


Answer by  Tabatha (440)

The mass could be a number of things. It could be cancer, a tumor, infection, a cyst, an abscess, ect. You must find out what the mass really is. Depending on the type of mass, you could have fuzzy vision, problems walking, problems with impulse control and/or other issues.

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