

Question by  frankie (13)

What should I do if my dog ate Imitrex?


Answer by  kushi917 (22)

It depends on the size of your dog and the dosage it took. To be safe, you should contact your vet or animal hospital and ask their advice.


Answer by  Terry9427 (7)

It would actually be very simple, contact your vetenarian. If they are not available or some reason you are in a situation where you cannot contact a vetenarian, then I would use try to make my dog throw up.


Answer by  MarjiS (128)

I would try to make my dog vomit to try and get rid of the Imitrex, that is the best thing to do, to get it out of her stomach.


Answer by  Charlotte32 (214)

If the dog is relatively large and the dose is relatively small, the dog will most likely survive. Phone your vet or poison control to verify.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

You should call a vet immediately and ask them. Whenever your dog ingests a foreign substance you need to check the dangers with a vet.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You shouldn't wait for answers here have the dog in the vets office. Tell them what the dog got into how much it ate and pray they can help hopefully it will just kind of go through and out without any trouble. My dog got into tylenol I found out it is poison to them I wish you much luck

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