health conditions


Question by  JoCoWoTo (18)

What should I do if I have a staph infection in my arm?


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Staph infections are quite serious and should have professional medical attention as soon as possible. You do not want the infection to get in your blood stream.


Answer by  SandyG (807)

A real staph infection is caused by bacteria. You may have gotten it from another person or while staying in a hospital. It is a very serious condition that can lead to lung, heart, and other very serious conditions. You should be treated by a doctor and medication. Be sure to follow all the doctor's recommendations for care at home.


Answer by  apocalv (217)

get some antibiotics from the doctor and make sure you take all of it and finish the course to get better


Answer by  JSmith0330 (616)

A staff infection are very common how ever they can cause seiorus problems you should see our doctor right away so they can start you on some type of antibotics.

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