


Question by  Drain1Sth (23)

What percent of population is vegetarian?


Answer by  monkeyz (3150)

About 2-3% of the US population is estimated to be vegetarian. Rates would vary in other countries. Some countries may have more, but in others vegetarianism is relatively unheard of.


Answer by  imanticajon (130)

Only about 1% (one) of the population I think is vegetarian (the really pure, faithful vegetarian). It takes some knowledge to cook up a diet that completely bans meat or any animal product. Maybe in time when vegetarian food are common in restaurants, it'll become more convenient to be one.


Answer by  elliecorona18 (15)

On the world population an average of 5 of every 1000 people in the world is vegetarian and 1 in 200 kids (under 18) are vegetarian.


Answer by  MattK (1713)

The percentage of the population which is vegetarian is highly variable. In the United States, there are less than 5% vegetarians on average, whereas in India, it approaches 90%.

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