

Question by  yntern (58)

What medicine will make me sleep?


Answer by  Whippetlover200 (150)

An adult dose of Benedryl, also known as diphenhydramine will make you sleepy. This drug is an antihistamine used to help people with allergies. Usually, the adult dose is 2 pills every 6 to 8 hours.


Answer by  becki (229)

Seratonin is a natural sleep aid that you can find in most stores over the counter. This is just a boost of the seratonin that is naturally found in your body. Other over the counter medications are diphenhydramine which can be found in Benadryl and Unisom. This is usually used as an antihistamine, but has sleep inducing properties.


Answer by  buggy418 (632)

Tylenol Pm, Unisom, Exedrine PM, Advil PM, Phenergan (for nausea), Nyquil, Alka Seltzer Nite Time all are great sleep aides.


Answer by  hulmer (1067)

Over the counter: Benadryl, Tylenol PM, Advil PM, Excedrin PM, Unisom. If you've having trouble sleeping and OTC options aren't working or you don't know which to chose, you should consult your doctor. They can prescribe something to relax you or help you sleep. Xanax and Clonopin are common choices.

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