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Question by  acaisha (33)

What kind of coolant should I use for 1999 Passat?


Answer by  danielle1979 (116)

Any coolant will work. Your most economical is half anti-freeze out of the container and half water. Anti-freeze in cold climates keeps your coolant liquid and also protects the cooling system from rusting. So you do want to change your coolant once a year. One gallon of any anti-freeze will protect up to one gallon of water from freezing.


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

Chances are, your Passat uses the either the pink Dex-cool variety of coolant, or the yellow "Euro" coolant that's become popular. Your best bet is to look at the color of your existing coolant in the reservoir/radiator or consult your owner's manual.


Answer by  millertym (125)

A coolant that has an organic acid additive package is suggested and are commonly known as G12 types. This is usually only easily found at the Volkswagen dealership. Prestone Extended Life and DEX COOL coolant are commonly used types that can also be used, but must NEVER be mixed with the G12 type.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

On a car like that simple use normal coolant. Check your manual to see what mix ratio of coolant to water you should use for the current time of year.

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