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Question by  Badass (26)

How can I get my cat to use automatic litter trays?

He only likes the kind that I have to clean myself...


Answer by  worker76 (773)

Put the current one right next to the self cleaning one. After a week or so remove the old one. Hell get the idea


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Cats are creatures of habit, and other people have told me their cat didn't take to the automatic box- I think there must be some feel to it that puts them off. Google litter box training and start from square one. He just might not do it. I suggest Feline Pine- clean smelling, lasts longer than clumping, very healthy, cheap.


Answer by  cheryllichak (26)

Make it pleasant for him. On clean liter sprinkle some cat nip or put in his favorite toy. Offer him some privacy and locate Catbox in a pleasant spot.


Answer by  catmando (11)

Place the auto litter tray next to the cats old litter tray. Stop cleaning out the old tray and the cat will begin to start using the new auto tray.


Answer by  lynn (821)

try turning it off and sitting him in it then after he is done turn it on. repeat occasionally till he will use it My cats were fascinated with ours.


Answer by  mrsb (76)

I've never been successful getting my cat to change litterboxes. When I got him the self clenaing trays he ends up using my sofa instead.

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