what is


Question by  Maria81 (5)

What is water poisoning?


Answer by  sharon4595 (650)

When you drink too much water it can make your brain swell up and can kill you. This happens with small babies getting too much water. Most of the time when a adult drinks too much water they will just start feeling dizzy and then get sick until they throw up some of the water.


Answer by  Gamerz (133)

Water poisoning occurs when too much water is taken into the body. The normal balance of electrolytes is taken outside of the safe limits in the body and produces a potentially fatal disturbance in the brain.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

It is also known as water intoxication and hyper-hydration. It occurs when there is a fatal disturbance in the brain functions which results when the normal amount of electrolytes in the body are increased.


Answer by  snappies (579)

Water poisoning or water intoxication is caused when someone drinks too much water. This causes your brain cells to swell. The first sign of water poisoning is a bad headache. There can be serious consequences from drinking too much water, such as coma or death. You can safely drink 2 to 2 and one half liters of water per day.


Answer by  daubachsgirl23 (244)

Water poisoning occurs when a person ingests an unsafe quantity of water, which is a drastic amount more than the recommended daily amount. The overconsumption of water throws the electrolytes in the victim's body totally out of balance, which can cause heat problems like cardiac arrest and ultimately death. It is an extremely rare accidental poisoning.

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