united states


Question by  Triskelonnn (23)

What is the statute of limitations on repossessions in California?


Answer by  GrandmereC (145)

Personally what I would do is call an auto dealership. I bet they know the specific law if anyone does. Either that or visit a college law library or even call a law school and see if a student will research the statute for you. Most students will do free.


Answer by  BlueEyes3b5 (121)

From everything I've read the statue of limitations on repossessions runs about 7 to 10 years in most states. This can vary. I was unable to find the specific law for California but I did find some articles that stated what I said in my first sentence.

Reply by FrankieRoma (84):
For cars or for homes? Seems like everyone is assuming cards. Maybe the asker of the question could be specific about which one.  add a comment

Answer by  ClaudiaD (136)

According to the California Law Blog there is a 4 year breach of contract statute of limitations which ties into repossession. Basically you cannot just ignore. If they don't get you on repossession then you can still be held liable on breach of contract.

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