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Question by  SpoonNZ (56)

What is the setup code for a One for All universal remote?


Answer by  alexsoko (47)

It matters what device you are trying to setup. There is a different setup code for each different device that you try to program with your One for All universal remote. Your TV, DVD player, CD player, audio receiver, and every different device you wish to program into your One for All remote will have a unique code.


Answer by  nws2002 (16)

Some One for All remotes use a 4 digit code, others use a 3 digit code. To determine which codes you need is to search for the model number.


Answer by  shazyb (15)

Some units use 3-digit set-up codes ,some uses 4. it depends on the system your using it on t.v dvd player on any other device

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