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Question by  babykannampuzha (17)

How do you program a JVC universal remote?

I need the codes for an RCA TV.


Answer by  aaronm (39)

Since you didn't provide a model number, I don't know which one it would be. But it could be any of the following codes: 000/ 003/ 004/ 005/ 007/ 009/ 011/ 048/ 078/ 082/ 083/ 094/ 096/ 098/ 099/ 101/ 102/ 103/ 107/ 113/ 129/ 133/ 167/ 179/ 181/ 187/ 188/ 194


Answer by  Xceptional (642)

For electronic questions like this i would refer to either the user manual or consult a trained and licensed electronics expert, as there are many types, and this is broad.

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